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Teeth Whitening Aftercare

Use Sensodyne Pro Enamel Toothpaste

We recommend Sensodyne Pro-Enamel toothpaste post treatment. It contains 5% potassium nitrate, which calms the nerve endings inside the dentine, relieving any sensitivity. The remineralising formula also stregnethens the enamel.

Do not use whitening toothpastes which contain abrasives such as bicarbinate of soda as these  gradually cause enamel erosion.

White Food Diet

There is more detailed information on this on the white food diet link. However in general avoid staining food and drink, the common culprits are tea, coffee, ciggarettes and red wine !!

Dental Hygiene

Brush your teeth twice daily ideally with an electric toothbrush (we love the Phlilip’s Sonicare range) , floss and use an alchol free mouthwash.

Unwanted plaque  can accumulate in gap’s in the teeth as well as dulling the colour.

A six monthly trip to the hygienist will also help keep gums and teeth healthy, and maintain your newly whitened teeth.

For the following 24 hours After Treatment you must:

  • Avoid any dark staining drinks like Tea, Coffee, Red Wine, coloured soft or alcoholic drinks and fruit juice.

  • Avoid all dark staining foods like bolognaise, soy sauce, red meat, chocolate and all fruit except bananas.

  • Avoid any foods or drinks that would leave a stain on a white shirt.

  • No Smoking for 24 hours, smoking a cigarette within the first 24 Hours will stain your teeth

  • Moderate use of electronic cigarettes is OK.

  • Avoid coloured toothpaste (red or blue) or Mouthwash for 24 hours.

  • Food and drinks that may be consumed are as follows:

  • Plain chicken, fish & chips, potatoes, plain pasta and white sauces, cereals, Milk, 7up and white wine, once it is clear or white.

White Food Diet
White food diet.png

White Food Diet

Here is a list of clear drinks and ‘white foods’ that are perfectly fine for eating and drinking after a treatment.


  • Skinless chicken/turkey (minus the fat)

  • White fish

  • White rice

  • White pasta

  • White cheese

  • Cauliflower

  • White onion

  • Egg whites

  • Peeled potatoes cooked to your liking

  • Crustless white bread

  • Rice Crispies (yes, the Kelloggs ones – good to know for breakfast)

  • Bananas

  • White low-fat yoghurt


  • Still / sparkling water

  • Tonic/soda water

  • White lemonade

  • Skimmed milk

  • Clear coconut water (not milk!)

  • Clear alcohol mixed with clear mixers (gin and tonic, vodka and white etc)

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